
Design methodology of a passive reflectarray for focusing indoor arbitrary energy in a particular direction range

Name of the conference: The Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference Conference (LAPC)(JNM)

Date of publication: November 12, 2018

Abstract : A design methodology of a passive reflectarray for focusing indoor arbitrary energy to a particular direction range is proposed in this paper. The array factor is derived as a function of several parameters as the number of cells, the inter-element spacing, the intrinsic and structural excitation phase shifts between elements, etc. It is seen that the main beam can be controlled with the intrinsic phase term. Based on the proposed formulation, it is seen that incident waves coming from an elevation angle ?i < 24.46° can be controlled and redirected within a short angular-direction (10.44° < ?0 < 90°, 0.93° < ?0 <89.59°).

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